Sunday, June 10, 2012

Seriously, They Have an Editor?

I live in a small city surrounded by farms and trailer parks.  This is the city that when you mention it by name in the "real" city nearby, people shudder and wonder how you could live so intolerably far away.  This city has everything you'd expect in a big city: loud music thumping from pimped out cars, public urination, teenagers lurking on the sidewalks, "Mister Natural Ice" dumping his empties on lawns, gun violence.  We also have stores specializing in camouflage and chicken feed, tractors slowing down traffic, the smell of manure and not a Starbucks in sight.  This city even has a real newspaper: The Lockport Union-Sun & Journal.

I include for your inspection a picture and caption from the front page of the Monday, June 4, 2012 edition.  I read it and my eye started twitching.  What do you think?  (Clicking on the picture will make it large enough to read easily.)

What irritated me the most:
  • Ending a sentence with a proposition. In casual communications, whatever, but in a newspaper?
  • The dryer actually made its way around the house?  The dryer?  *sigh*
  • "...surrounding stuff..."  Stuff?!?  Why not "things" or "junk" or "like, whatever"?  Can't think of a word?  Don't worry, "stuff" works for all kinds of things!
What part of this caption irritates you the most?  If you have your own irritating newspaper article, please feel free to send it to me and I'll post it here.

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